Category: Creativity

Creativity is one of the world’s greatest gifts. Unwrap it and enjoy!

Digital Production BuZZ, Producer’s Corner, June 27, 2013

BuZZ producer Cirina Catania on diversity, digital makeup, MacPro, CUDA, motion graphics, contemporary jazz, and all things creative.

Civolution Monitoring Media Highway

Host Cirina Catania talks with Alex Terpstra, CEO of Civolution about fingerprinting, watermarking and media interaction and learns more about how copyright is protected by these technological solutions.

Tim Samaras, son Paul and friend Carl Young Killed in Oklahoma Tornado

The storm won. Tim Samaras, his son, Paul and their long-time friend Carl Young were killed in the EF-3 El Reno tornado on Friday. We will miss them. He was the great one, the mentor, the careful one, the funny and serious one who always took care of those around him. Tim was always alert. […]

Gear Review: Pelican S130 Sport Elite ProGear Backpack

Article first published as Product Review: Pelican S130 ProGear Backpack on Blogcritics. This is, without a doubt, the best pro-gear backpack I have ever owned. The test of time: I’ve used this pack almost every day since NAB in April 2013, and it is weight-balanced to reduce fatigue, resilient, makes it easy to keep my […]

American Idol – Telescope Handles Voting Pipeline

Telescope, the company behind the millions of voting interactions for shows such as American Idol and the XFactor, has handled over 1.5 billion exchanges in the last year, over 75% of them from mobile devices.

American Idol – What’s Behind the Envelope? Interview with Jason George of Telescope

Listen to my interview with Jason George, CEO of Telescope (15 minutes) here: JASON GEORGE Telescope American Idol I know this is lengthy, but here is the full transcript of the interview for those who would prefer to …. read ….. yes, read! Interview with Jason George, CEO, Telescope ( Interviewer: Cirina Catania Conducted April, […]